Monday, March 21, 2011

Fucking Snowing/Peanutbutter time

It's fucking snowing today man. IT'S FUCKING SNOWING! 2 days ago it was 70 degrees outside. Today, it's fucking snowing. It was raining at first. I thought it was too warm to stick so I wasn't worried. But then I notice a white layer on the tops of all the roofs. WHY THE FUCK IS IT SNOWING!! I hope it warms up today and melts the snow. It's not even an inch but I'm tired of snow. It's suppose to snow Wednesday too. WHY IS IT SNOWING!!! Fucking global warming man...

To sound less Californian, Let me say that I am so tired of the cold. my hair is thirsty, my eczema is acting up, I swear the old is stuck in my bones! I am so not a cold bodied person. I am definitely into heat. I mean warmth. I don't want to walk out the door and instantly sweat, but I do like laying in the sun when it shines into my bedroom. Like my boss' cat. he follows the sun around the room. I like taking naps in the sun. No sun to day though. Just freakin' snow... ugh...I want soup.

Oh by the way...I'm sitting with peanut butter in my hair :-/ long story short, cocaine's a hell of a drug. Just kidding...My hair is destroyed. I tried to die it. I haven't put a chemical in my hair for almost 3 years. I'm frugal...they were having a sale on dark and lovely....It fried my hair. It is SO dry I think I can start a forest fire with it. My hair was so soft before. Now its sand paper. I decided to moisturize; deep condition. I've used mayo but we are out. yogurt too. I looked into bananas. Avacados supposedly do well, but last time i made it I had little brown strings in my hair for days. I looked up the banana conditioner and read too often that little white particles were in her hair for the rest of the day. I had a flash back to the avacado. I decided to hold off on the banana until I had more time. I took my organic honey, my virgin coconut oil, and some skippy. Next time I will go to whole foods and find some organic peanut butter. This was random. I only found a few reviews of the peanut butter conditioner. My locs are thirsty, If I don't do something I think they are going to shrivel up and fall off. I've almost had it for an hour in my head now. I'm worried about the ants LOL. There are ants in our bathroom. when I was putting it in my hair I saw one on the ceiling above my head. I thought he was going to drop into my hair like some sort of mission impossible ant. I wonder if I should leave it in for another hour... well...back to homework. I'll let you know how it goes :-/

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