I wasn't going to say anything about the Denmark zoo things but then.... I had to log this CNN news story and was like, "UGH." So I'm writing America an open letter of sorts:
Dear America,
Listen, could they have given Marius the giraffe to another zoo? Maybe. Would that have been a happier ending for that poor giraffe? absolutely. But guess what?
Before we can be up in arms about a giraffe in another country that is not only known as one of "the happiest countries" in the world and who seem to have their snit somewhat together... maybe we should be up in arms about Jordan Davis; about our veterans coming back from war unable to find work and begging on street corners.
Maybe we should be outraged by the MANY chemicals mixed into our food, the antibiotics fed to the animals WE eat and feed our children; into the lotions and products we use everyday.
Let's be mad about the fried chicken and watermelon lunch for "Black History Month" and the piles upon piles of debt students have after being told you HAVE to go to school if you want to get a good paying job only to get out of school and find NO work.
I'm not saying to forget about the rest of the world or the treatment of animals. I'm saying If you want to be upset be upset about Syria. Be upset about the treatment of the Roma people. Be mad about what's happening in Somalia. Be mad about how Japan dumped TONS of radioactive water into the sea that will affect your food supply, your children's food supply, and your children's children's food supply.
I know it's hard to think about all of those things, but those things are WAY WAY WWAAAAYYY more pressing than a giraffe that is now excreted Lion waste (Less we forget Marius is a tasty meal and could have been eaten by a pack of hungry lions if he were still in the wild.
Wake up.
Do something.
Change the world in a positive way. Change the country. Change your state. Change your city. Change yourself.
*Rant over*