Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm In

Met my boyfriend's parents. They seem to like me. enough to status update on Facebook about how sweet I was. Yup, I'm in.

But let me tell you, I was shitting bricks. The funny part, I walked into the dinner at the exact same time they did. I was like...damn the timing. So I got to do all my greeting and meeting at the door before I even locked eyes with my boyfriend. I sat next to his mom for lunch. Okay...not so scary...he WAS on the other side. But then at his play, he sat in the back...eeeek. now I was next to his mom and no one else!! But I think it went smoothly. When his play went on I began to smile and his mom happened to glance over and catch it. She probably thinks I'm awesome now lol.

I had the strangest dream last night. there was a little black lobster the size of like a pea, and a bigger black one. I did not want to try anything on or walk around my room because I was afraid they would be in my clothes and claw me. I kept making someone check stuff and every time we found them and trapped them they busted out. What is that about??

All I know is my New therapist isn't so fake sounding. though she picks at her nails a lot when I'm talking, and asks the obvious, "how does that make you feel" questions.  ugh... my life.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Meeting the Rents: A Manifesto

Tomorrow, I meet my boyfriend's parents. I'm not shitting bricks, but I would be lying if I didn't say I was a little bit nervous. Honestly...I'm having a little trouble with the actualization that I really like someone and they really like me. What a crazy turn of events from a year ago. But that's not what this blog is about, it's about his parents

Mind you they seem like lovely people via Facebook pictures and word of mouth. I realized I must really like him because of what a huge undertaking this seems to be. I want to make a great impression. I want them to like me. Sure I want everyone to like me, and parent's I met in the past I wanted to like me....but for some reason I REALLY want them to give me the okay. 

I'd also be lying if I said them being Jewish and me being  black didn't make me a little more nervous. Though, by all means, I shouldn't be about that. My boyfriend is Jewish and he is as happy as a clam with me. I'm glad we are all meeting in the city for brunch before my boyfriend's play. At least this way I won't bring the wrong bottle of wine or have to bring a gift at all. Oh God! The day will also come that I have to go to Long Island to have dinner with them!! I just thought about that! -_-' *massive panic attack*

Well we will see. I'm sure everything will go fine. I have no doubt that they will like me, my boyfriend says they will LOVE me. I'm still just a tad bit nervous.... I mean...if there is any such thing as the one...he sure is crossing out a bunch of awesome qualities on that list.... Honestly, I've already told him that I want to take it it one step at a time. So let's not even go there!! Let you know how it went later.